Saturday, April 23, 2011

Week 13 - Assessing Meaningful Learning

Classrooms have been changing since the beginning of school.  Educators are constantly looking at what works best in the classroom, how to best engage students, how to best present the required content, as well as a variety of other issues.  As each question arises, there are changes in the classroom.  Over time these changes have evolved into the classrooms that we see today that are filled with new assessment tools and new technologies.  Information is being presented with more engaging techniques and assessment is being done with more clarity for both the students and the teachers. 
Rubrics have been an invaluable tool since they have become integrated into classroom assessment.  Teachers can give students a rubric and the student knows what exactly is expected on the assignment and the consequences of not fulfilling the requirements.  As technology has emerged, so have rubrics.  A teacher can easily create a rubric via one of the many available websites on the internet.  For instance, has several rubrics available for free to any teacher who is interested.  Also, has several rubrics as well as the ability to create your own rubric.  Rubrics make grading a just about anything quicker, clearer, and more objective” (Teachnology, Inc., 2010).  Teachers are always looking for ways to save time and be consistent when dealing with students.  Rubrics are one such way.
Have you ever seen a contestant on the show “Jeopardy”?  Alex Trebeck is providing the answer and the contestant’s have to provide the question.  As you watch you notice the contestant’s perched on the edge on their stand anxiously awaiting the answer.  You also notice a clicker tool in their hand.  The fastest contestant to press the button gets a shot at the answer first.  While a game show is far away from a traditional classroom setting, with clicker tools, it does not have to be.  A teacher can easily use clicker tools to engage the students to answer questions, take polls as well as a variety of other possibilities.  Let’s face it, clicker tools seem fun.  In fact, it is easy to imagine playing many fun (and educational) games while learning the TEKS all the while using a clicker tool. Unfortunately, clicker tools cost money and when budgets are being cut to just the necessities, they don’t seem to make the top of the list.  Perhaps, we need to redefine necessity.
Software can make or break student learning.  For instance, any teacher that uses a microsoft word tutorial as means of teaching a third grade student, will end poorly.  Students will be scratching their heads and saying, “What does that mean?”.  Teachers need to utilize all software that is appropriate and available to their students.  Inspiration/Kidspiration is a software that that uses visual technology to teach reading, writing, vocabulary and math.  In reading and writing, Kidspiration strengthens word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension and written expression. With new visual math tools, students build reasoning and problem solving skills” (Inspiration Software, 2011).  Kidspiration offers teachers a unique way to present and reinforce concepts that are taught in the classroom.  It also gives teachers the ability to assess their students on the material taught.  Although Kidspiration seems like a program that would bring valuable teaching to the classroom, once again recent budget cuts will affect whether some teachers will choose to not try and use Kidspiration in their classrooms. 
There are many technological tools that are available in the classrooms!  The classroom has evolved as fast as technology has evolved.  Teachers can now use rubrics to create a even playing field for their students.  Teachers do not even have to create their own rubrics, they can simply download one from the internet.  Not to be out done is the possibility that each classroom can use clicker technology to engage their student to participate in their classrooms. Clicker technology is appealing to students because it allows them to become a part of discussion or lesson and it simply, is fun!  Kidspiration is software that engages students to learn using visual demonstrations of reading, writing, and math lessons.  Technology is simple.  It does not have to be dreaded by teachers and longed for by students.  It simply has to be used.

Inspiration Software. (2011). Retrieved on April 23, 2011 from

Teachnology, Inc. (1999-2010). Retrieved on April 23, 2011 from


  1. It is true the use of software should be age appropriate. It should not be that hard to figure out. There are websites walking you through the process in which you can judge whether it is age appropriate for your class. There are examples and a tutorial on the website or included with the software.

  2. I like how you suggested that teachers download a rubric from the internet. This way the rubrics are unbiased and far to the students. Before the teacher grades the students with the rubric they should reveiw the expectations required so that the students know what to incorporate in their work.
